Cupping is usually incorporated into an acupuncture of bodywork treatment, but can be used alone. The practitioner takes a glass cup or bamboo jar, roughly the size of a jar of baby food, and ignites a small flame inside the cup, creating a vacuum. The cup is then quickly applied to the body, drawing the skin up a few millimeters into the cup. This suction stimulates the flow of blood, lymph, and Qi to the affected area. The suction can leave red marks on the skin that last a few days.
Each cupping session lasts approximately 10 to 15 minutes and it can be repeated, once the marks have cleared, until the condition is resolved.
At Balance Art Acupuncture McLean, we provide a personalized and comfortable cupping therapy experience. Here’s what you can expect during your session:
Your session will begin with a brief consultation to understand your health concerns, medical history, and treatment goals. We’ll discuss any specific areas of discomfort or tension that you’d like to focus on during your cupping therapy.
Cupping Treatment:
The treatment involves placing special cups on your skin, usually on your back, shoulders, or other tense areas. These cups create gentle suction, which helps improve blood flow, relieve muscle tension, and promote healing. We may use stationary cupping, where the cups remain in place, or gliding cupping, where the cups are moved along your skin with oil to provide a more massage-like experience.
Post-Treatment Care:
After the cups are removed, we will offer guidance on how to care for the treated areas, such as staying hydrated, avoiding intense activity, and how to manage any temporary marks or mild soreness that may result from the session. These marks are usually painless and fade within a few days.
Recommendations for Future Sessions:
Based on your specific needs, we will recommend how often you should receive cupping therapy for the best results. Whether it’s for pain relief, stress reduction, or muscle recovery, we’ll tailor a plan to help you achieve your wellness goals.
Cupping is a technique in which a glass cup or bamboo jar is suctioned onto the body and allowed to sit for about 10 minutes. Cupping stimulates the flow of blood, lymph, and Qi to the affected area; relieves swelling; and greatly enhances an acupuncture or electroacupuncture treatment. Its uses include relieving muscle pain, especially back pain from stiffness or injury; and clearing congestion in the chest, which can occur with common colds and influenza.
"It feels amazing and it's very relaxing, and it feels terrific," Paltrow told Winfrey. "It's just one of the alternative medicines that I do instead of taking antibiotics."
Gwyneth Paltrow, a longtime advocate of the benefits of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, once said that having acupuncture had guided her to a "new level" in life, helping her to find love with her husband and giving her the strength to cope with the death of her father.
"I have been a big fan of Chinese medicine for a long time because it works," Paltrow said.