Facial cosmetic acupuncture is a holistic approach to enhancing the appearance of the skin and face. It is a non-invasive and gentle procedure for reducing the signs of aging on the skin, especially the face and neck. It is also recognized as a facial rejuvenation or revitalization, the desirable therapeutic effects are achieved by inserting fine acupuncture needles at different points on the face, head, and neck.
Facial acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia and is often considered a technique that treats facial conditions such as jaw pain or facial paralysis. Recently, facial acupuncture has become more popular due to its effects shown in the cosmetic approach.
The well-known benefits of acupuncture treatment are enhancing muscle strength and improving body energy (Qi) and blood flow, which is responsible for overall well-being. Facial cosmetic acupuncture adopts similar concepts and shares the general treatment effectiveness of acupuncture but focuses more on the skin and muscles of the face and neck. In addition, acupuncture needling creates micro-puncture on the skin and its associated deep tissues, causing positive microtrauma. It will promote Qi (energy) and blood flow in the local area, which means stimulating our body's circulatory and lymphatic systems and encouraging collagen synthesis. These positive effects bring revitalization of muscles and skin of the face and neck.
Diminishing fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, and age spots
Enhancing skin radiance, glow, and complexion (brightening skin tone)
Facial sculpting and size-reduction
Reducing facial puffiness
Enhancing skin elasticity and facelift
Skin detox and improving skin-related conditions.
Promoting blood circulation and lymph circulation
Lessening eye bags